Time for an ACT Budget Submission

2023 ACT Budget Submissions

From : Michael White : Convenor of The Childers Group

Dear Arts Colleagues

The next ACT Budget 2023-2024 will be brought down on the 27th June. The government is currently seeking community input into the Budget process.

The Childers Group has been putting in Budget submissions since 2012. We also advocate for the arts on an ongoing basis and use our submissions as a point of contact with Government.

Our 2022-2023 Submission can be seen at : https://www.childersgroup.com.au/the-childers-group-2022-2023-budget-submission/

We would like to urge our Arts Organisations (AO’s) to consider putting in their own submissions this year. Many other community organisations ( Health, Law, Education, Social Services etc) do so but over the years we have noticed that the arts sector is mostly silent when it comes to the Budget process and expressing a view on the needs of our sector.

Our AOs have recently gone through the “Arts Centre Investment Program Framework, the Arts Organisation Investment Program Framework and the Emerging Arts Organisation Investment” process and it be great for the Government to hear how you feel that process went and how the outcomes reflect our requirements for ongoing growth of the sector. How can the next Budget address issues that were missed. What are the funding needs?

Some AOs may have already addressed their issues directly with meetings with the Arts Minister and with artsACT.

If you would like the Childers Group to raise issues in our submission, we would be happy to talk to you (in confidence in needed). Please contact us via our email address : childersgroup@gmail.com


There are 2 ways to have your input into the Budget Process.

  • Via the online survey : fairly quick and easy : takes about 10 minutes.


  • Via a more detailed formal submission


All the information from the ACT Government website is here : https://yoursayconversations.act.gov.au/2023-24-budget-consultation


From the ACT Budget Consultation website :

Survey and submissions

You are able to provide your or your organisations input via two main avenues.

You are welcome to participate in the 2023-24 Budget Consultation survey which may be found here.  The survey will close for input on 28 April 2023.

A form has been made available for written budget submissions if you wish to provide more detailed input. If you encounter any difficulties in using this form, your submission may still be emailed through to budgetconsultation@act.gov.au.

If you provide a submission via email, please indicate whether your content can be made public, or is to be treated in a confidential manner.

The written budget submission process remains open indefinitely and serves to inform the development of future budgets. We encourage budget submissions to focus on the longer‑term expenditure and revenue priorities for the Government and how the Government can best support the wellbeing of the Canberra community.



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